Book Mapping

The guide to getting your next book written
February 20th @ 10-11am PST

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You have an idea for a book, but how do you move from idea to execution?
How do you actually get it done?
Book Mapping is a tool designed to layout your book chapter by chapter, scene by scene, until you have a literal road map of where you are going. This method can save you months (years even) of writing your way into corners and tossing out useless pages.

Whether your book is just seedling or you’re revising the third draft; this workshop will provide a world of clarity, direction, and creative spark.

Your Leader


Heidi Fielder

Writer and editor Heidi Fiedler has worked on more than 300 books for clients ranging from Chronicle to Scholastic. She does the deep thinking that’s needed to turn an idea into a book that has the power to spark our curiosity and make us all feel a little less alone. The books she creates are quirky, playful, highly visual, and often philosophical. After working in publishing for fifteen years, she’s excited to see her own picture books and chapter books making their way into the world. She also teaches classes on writing and editing. Learn more about Heidi and the work she does at