Short Stories from Start to Submit
A writing workshop led by…
Erin Rose Belair
“Fiction writing is the sort of thing you don’t know you can do it until you sit down and try.” - @roseblacque
A lifelong writer, Erin Rose, received her MFA in Fiction from Boise State University, where she wrote her first collection of short stories, Vinegar. Stories from this collection have gone on to win awards at Glimmer Train and Narrative, as well as publication with Greensboro Review, Juked, and more. She just finished writing her first novel, The Only Road Home.
Erin Rose has been teaching writing for the past nine years at University, The Cabin literary non-profit, and private workshops around the world. She is the co-founder of Trust and Travel.
Each Workshop A New Element
Tuesday’s in October - 5:30-7pm PST on Zoom
The Short Story Series introduces a new craft element each week, building upon the weeks before, and leading you to create stories you feel confident submitting for publication.
Sign up for 1 or all 4 at a discounted rate
Limited space available
Week 1 - October 6th
Getting Started
Short stories tend to feel like one big mystery, even when you’re writing them. In this first workshop we will identify the elements of a short story (including endings), discuss readings, and perform a series of writing prompts to get you started on your stories.
Week 3 - October 20th
Plot & Places
Plot in a short story is an illusive thing. This workshop is designed to give you ideas and inspiration rather than strict guidelines of what a plot should be. Place on the other hand is concrete and relies on sensory detail, which is why the two are so closely tide to one another. We will use our the characters we’ve created and give them a world to live in.
Week 2 - October 13th
Compelling Characters
Character are everything. This workshop gives you the tools to create real and compelling characters from scratch as well as exercises to revisit at any stage of your writing. Characters are not just tools for you to move around your story, a well made character will tell you what your story is about.
Week 4 - October 27th
Editing & Submissions
Writing the story is one thing, what you do next is an entirely other beast. This workshop gives you the necessary tools for self editing and preparing your story to submit for publication. We will also be discussing the in’s and out’s of the submission process, how to write a good cover letter, and where you should send your stories.