Reporting The Story
Think about the essay you are writing or whatever it is you’re working on. What are some of the topics in this work that you address? Now, being very honest with yourself: Which of these topics do you understand well, and which do you not? Perhaps look at your bookshelves and contemplate which books that pertain to this work you’ve read and which you’ve not. Perhaps look back through notes or other research you’ve compiled.
Now write a list of everything you wish you knew more about when it comes to your topic. For each, think about ways you could come to better understand this topic. If you’ve not already, spend some time looking through what books have already been published about this topic; consider purchasing books through an independent bookstore if you can a ord to do so and keep in mind that you may be able to get ebooks or even audiobooks through your local library, for example. Also think about which human beings you could potentially interview to further bolster your knowledge about this topic. If you don’t know which human beings you might talk to, again, spend some time doing some research.
Think about whether you could reach out to these people and the feasibility of actually getting to talk to them. During this pandemic we cannot travel to report, however you can still contemplate where you might like to travel to learn more about the topics you want to learn more about. And you can probably ask all sorts of people for remote interviews.