What Is Holding You Back?
Recently I had a thought, that what I was not writing was more important than what I was writing. It was one of those thoughts that comes in clear as day as if spoken from someone else inside my own mind. They are what my boyfriend calls a download from our higher self. I am not entirely sure what I am not writing, but the line and the sentiment has been rattling around inside my cage for weeks now.
Finally, this morning I sat down to write a list of all the things I could write. All the ideas that I have been holding onto, and most importantly all of the things I think I cannot write about or should not write about. And it was there, midway down my list of could and should not write about’s that my new idea was waiting for me like a child to be picked up from school.
I would tell you what it is but someone told me once to never talk about what you have not yet written about lest you let the magic out.
For you. Sit down and write your list for at least ten minutes. I say at least because there are layers to our mind. The things that come rushing out first. The ones that hold back and delay. And then the good stuff, the stuff we do not know that we think and we can only access that stuff once we have exhausted the ones waiting to rush out before them. GO there.